Fire Safety Academy

Translating fire science into strategy.
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The FSRI Fire Safety Academy is a free, online learning platform equipped with numerous firefighting training courses designed for real-world application. As the fire environment continues to evolve and pose new challenges to the fire service, training is more important than ever to stay up to date on the latest science. The more the fire service can learn about how fire behaves and the impact of their tactics on the fire, the more effective their tactical decisions will be.

The Fire Safety Academy will keep you up to date on topics including fire dynamics, firefighting tactics, firefighter health, lithium-ion batteries, wildland urban interface, and more.

Stay on top of training, no matter your role.

For the firefighter:

The Fire Safety Academy provides firefighters with free access to science-based training at their convenience. Users can log in to their personal profiles from anywhere with an internet connection. Through quick, bite-sized lessons and a tracking feature, firefighters can easily fit in lessons between calls and pick up where they left off after leaving mid-training, all while tracking their course progress. When firefighters search for a course, they receive tailored recommendations that align with their experience, role, and learning pathway. Firefighters can also download and print a completion certificate and transcript after finishing a course.

For the training officer:

Training officers can create a Power User profile that allows them to assign courses, track their members’ achievements, and access training statistics. As a Power User, they can share these training materials during in-person classes while still capturing results from individual learning assessments on the platform. These online courses recommend best practices that training officers can build upon when developing practical in-service drills. Tactical considerations from the research studies serve as excellent starting points to discuss the “why” behind specific actions taken on the fireground.

Create a profile today to access:

  • Free, bite-sized modules based on the latest science and aligned with National Fire Protection Association standards.
  • Tailored content and integrated links for a customized and streamlined learning pathway
  • Enhanced dashboards for training officers to manage personnel and view basic performance metrics.
  • Seamless integration with other learning platforms to track achievements in one central location.
  • Built-in assessments to reinforce and validate learning.
  • Certificates and transcripts to document course completion for individuals and departments.

Create a profile

For questions about this program, please contact:

Published: June 28, 2021