Wildland Urban Interface Advisory Committee

Collaboration within the specialized field of wildland urban interface (WUI) research.
FSRI WUI Advisory Committee Members
  • Overview
  • Updates

The Wildland Urban Interface Advisory Committee (WAC) provides the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes, direction within the specialized field of wildland urban interface (WUI) research. Through collaboration and discussion, the WAC’s mission is to leverage the professional experience, knowledge, and insights of its members to inform the trajectory of FSRI’s WUI research and related efforts.

The WAC is made up of 12 individuals with diverse backgrounds in WUI research and related fields. The committee meets twice annually to discuss how FSRI’s research can help improve community efforts to address wildfire resilience in the built environment.

Meet the WUI Advisory Committee

Aitor Bidaburu Headshot

Aitor Bidaburu

U.S. Fire Administration

Laura Blaul headshot

Laura Blaul

California Fire Safe Council

Tim Dunfee headshot

Tim Dunfee

U.S. Forest Service, Angeles National Forest

WUI Advisory Committee Member Karl Fippinger- International Code Council

Karl Fippinger

International Code Council

Justin Green headshot

Justin Green

Loudoun County Fire & Rescue

Chad Hawkins from Oregon State Fire Marshal's Office is member of FSRI's WUI

Chad Hawkins

Oregon State Fire Marshal's Office

Steve Hawks headshot

Steve Hawks

Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety

Daniel Jimenez  U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station joins Wildland Urban Interface Advisory Committee with the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes.

Daniel Jimenez

U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

Alex Maranghides headshot

Alex Maranghides

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Mike Morgan headshot

Mike Morgan

Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control

Dennis O'Neil- joined FSRI as WAC member, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)

Dennis O'Neil

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)


Greg Penney headshot

Greg Penney

Fire + Rescue New South Wales

Rick Swan- Wildland Urban Interface Advisory Committee Member

Rick Swan

The Wildfire Conservancy

For questions about this program, please contact:

Published: June 15, 2023