IFSI Research Center Releases Interim Report on Cardiovascular and Chemical Exposure Risks in Modern Firefighting
FSRI was honored to participate in this study in partnership and collaboration with the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Globe Manufacturing Company and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security – Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program.
This study was designed to better understand how operating in a modern fire environment is related to the two leading health issues facing firefighters: cardiovascular events and chemical exposures related to carcinogenic risk. We investigated the impact of different tactics (traditional interior attack vs. transitional attack) and different firefighting location/assignment (interior attack, outside operations, outside command, overhaul) as well as measures such as skin cleaning and gross on-scene decon to affect these risks.
Next steps: The results presented in this interim report are only a snapshot of what has been collected and is currently being analyzed. A detailed fire service toolkit is scheduled to be released in 2017 with a comprehensive overview of the information available and tactical considerations. The toolkit will be freely available to firefighters and fire officers around the globe. You can keep up to date with information being released through:
- IFSI or on Twitter @IFSIresearch