Burning fire acquired structure sidney

To the Coordinated Attack Project Technical Panel: Thank You

June 26, 2020

For the past three years the FSRI team has worked closely with 24 firefighters from around the country in support of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program funded project, Study of Coordinated Fire Attack Utilizing Acquired Structures.

Partial group photo from Fairborn OH during strip mall experiments

Partial group photo from Fairborn, OH, during strip mall experiments.

The Technical Panel contributed in the design of 40 full-scale experiments conducted in single-family homes, garden-style apartments, and strip mall units, the review of 3 technical reports, and the development of 22 tactical considerations through numerous in-person meetings, conference calls, emails, and time on the experimental fireground with the primary goal of helping to improve the effectiveness of the fire service. We cannot thank the panel members enough for the time, effort, and expertise they have put into the project and look forward to continue to work with them as we develop the on-line training compliments to the reports.

Name Department
Christopher Byrne Colorado Springs Fire Department
Tony Carroll District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department
Chad Christensen Los Angeles County Fire Department
Shea Chwialkowski Richfield Fire Department
Danny Doyle Pittsburgh Fire Department
Brad French Dayton Fire Department
Russell Gardner Sacramento Metropolitan Fire Department
Scott Gray Seattle Fire Department
David Guercio Baltimore City Fire Department
Greg Hubbard Orange County Fire Rescue
Curt Isakson Escambia County Fire Rescue
Cody Johnson Homer Volunteer Fire Department
Frank Leeb Fire Department of New York
Dennis LeGear Oakland Fire Department
Stephan Lopez Dallas Fire-Rescue
Ray McCormack Fire Department of New York
James Mendoza San Jose Fire Department
Nicholas Papa City of New Britain Fire Department
Joe Pronesti Elyria Fire Department
Richard Riley Kentland Volunteer Fire Department
Andrew Ruiz Los Angeles Fire Department
Terrence Sheppard Chicago Fire Department
Eric Staggs City of Spokane Fire Department
Chris Stewart Phoenix Fire Department