Media Coverage

Aggressiveness and Analytics: Search Considerations for Firefighters

December 18, 2024

The article states, 'Over the last 40 years, firefighter line-of-duty deaths while operating inside a structure fire have decreased by more than 80%. The most recent data reports that the death rate for firefighters operating inside or on a structure is “less than one per 100,000 fires.” I believe ratios should be reported more exactly than “less than one.” Through research and comparison (1) between United States Fire Administration and National Fire Protection Association data sources, it seems that “less than one” is approximately .76 per 100,000 fires. To appropriately display this would be 7.6 firefighters per one million fires. To summarize, we should take great pride in knowing all our efforts towards reducing firefighter risk are paying dividends. Year after year, we are safer than we ever have been before.'